معرض خالي من الغلوتين

معرض خالي من الغلوتين

From May 03, 2025 until May 04, 2025

في بيرث - كليرمونت شوجراوندز ، أستراليا الغربية ، أستراليا

بقلم كانتون فير نت


الفئات: الصناعة الغذائية

الوسوم (تاج): Olive Oil

المشاهدات: 2886

معرض الخالي من الغلوتين | سيلياك استراليا

Learn & taste & shop. Australia's largest and best gluten-free event!

17-18 August 2024Royal Randwick Racecourse.

15-16 March 2025Convention & Exhibition Centre.

Coeliac Australia announces the return of Coeliac Australia's Gluten-Free Expos 2024/25. These events are not to be missed for those who have coeliac disease, or follow a gluten-free diet.

Sydney, Melbourne Brisbane and Perth will host the events.

Tickets for Sydney will be available from the 5th of July. Keep an eye out on our socials and website for updates or subscribe to glutenfreeexpo.com.au/subscribe to receive the updates straight to your inbox.

The Gluten-Free Living Expo in Australia is the largest gluten-free event! The Expo offers visitors the chance to explore new products, sample the best gluten-free foods or find a bargain without having to ask 'is it gluten free?

قالت لي الفتيات ، "شكرًا أبي على إحضارنا إلى هنا. هناك الكثير الذي يمكننا القيام به!"